Sunday, July 31, 2011

Use Visualization To Achieve Success

Visualization works. It’s as simple as that. The more specific you are with your visualizing – the better it works. I spend 20 minutes, 5 days a week visualizing what I want in my life. Take some time right now, close your eyes and relax.

At the beginning you can do this 3 days a week:

I want you to close your eyes and envision in depth your ideal life. Don’t skip through this part of the program. A lot of people think they are bad visualizers. If you think you can’t visualize – I want you to answer this question – what color are your bedroom walls? How do you know this answer? Because you just visualized the color of your walls.

Before you start – I want you to realize that everything that you can visualize – you can have. Your imagination is limitless. When you have a goal, the best way to accelerate its achievement is to visualize it coming true. If you’re about to make a speech, first visualize yourself delivering an amazing speech. Envision the words flowing effortlessly out of your mouth.
Picture the crowd roaring with applause when you’re done. You shouldn’t just use visualization for specific events. You should use it to visualize your perfect life. Make a habit of visualizing your perfect life every day. What kind of home do you live in? What kind of car do you drive? What does your physique look like? What are you doing for a living? If you want to be a surgeon, vividly picture yourself with your lab coat on and a staff of people waiting on your every word. If you want to be a rock star, picture yourself on stage with thousands of people cheering for you. Do this every day. Your subconscious mind will start to guide your life in that direction. It follows your direction. It’s up to you to point it in the right direction by visualizing what you want all the time. Do it regularly and you will see enormous success !

Learn more about visualization for success at: Ultimate Power

Visit also Make Money Online Advice and have Online Business Success.

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