Saturday, June 25, 2011

5 Methods That Lead To Greater Self-Confidence

1st List Of Good Qualities
2nd Facing Small Challenges Daily
3rd Identifying Weaknesses and Errors
4th Eliminating Weaknesses
5th Being Satisfied With Oneself

1st - Create a list of your good qualities

If someone has low self-confidence it's usually not because one has no good qualities and no special qualities but because one does not recognize this. Each person can do something particularly well and usually even several things, but because we compare ourselves often with other people we see only their properties and let our fade: "Oh, I am indeed busy and working hard, but here my colleague is much better in dealing with other people "- this would be a typical example of someone who is diligent and does hard work. He already has two properties that make him special.
Take a pen and a sheet of paper, numbering it from 1 - through 10 and write to each number a keyword (or several) describing your good qualities - everyone will find for himself 10 good qualities!

2nd - Everyday Face Little Challenges

Lack of confidence manifests itself in that you "yourself don't trust do to something" - it starts already with small things in everyday life: "Should I make the seller aware that he gave me too little money back"- something that for some people may sound banal, but being for others the hard reality. Confront yourself in everyday life with such situations, you will see your confidence and your self-esteem will increase over time.

3rd - Ask Other People To Drive Attention To Your Faults and Weaknesses

A further reason for low self-confidence is the fear of rejection and dislike from our fellow man and the best therapy, in this case, is the confrontation. Meet with someone you are neutral to (friends and acquaintances would not tell us their honest opinion), they shall show you all your mistakes and weaknesses. This has two advantages, first, you are now faced with the reality and you are being told what is really disturbing about you and not all the fantasies in your head; on the other hand, you will also understand that the opinion of another person is totally unimportant to you - why care about it? I live strictly according to the motto that I am the most important person in my life and with this attitude I am living happier than ever before!

4th - Eliminate Weaknesses

And if by now your weaknesses and faults have been listed to you, you can use them to improve yourself, especially when something has been pointed out that you find disturbing for yourself. Eliminate these annoying weakness and increase your confidence again.

5th - Be Satisfied With Yourself

Very important: Design your life not for others but for yourself! Be satisfied with what you have and do not sell yourself under value - you are at least as much valuable as everyone else!

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