What helps with anxiety and how to cope with the fear or even defeat it forever? For this question no one should be ashamed, because fear is a human emotion like love or compassion. Anxiety for many people is an almost insurmountable obstacle which is standing in their way to find happiness.
Anyone who knows how to cope with his fears, also understands how to be happy.
Every person has the emotion to feel fear. Some people also cope with extreme situations (accidents, abuse, etc.), without subsequently suffering. Others in turn respond totally constrained and completely draw back, as soon as they feel threatened by a relatively common situation (criticism, failure, rejection ...).
However, there are ways and means to deal with fears and step by step you should acquire some character traits like courage, confidence, casualness, immunity, and a certain coolness:
1st Healthy Lifestyle: Do not use caffeine and other stimulants, because they push the body and mind and provide for adrenaline. The consumption of tobacco (causes shortness of breath) and alcohol (only temporarily alleviates anxiety and accumulates fear in the long run) must be minimized.
2nd Discard Compulsions: Ask yourself whether all the everyday and unloved activities are really necessary. Try to get under control these constraints piece by piece and finally try to omit doing them completely. You will soon come to the certainty that there is no disaster if you stop your habitual tasks.
3rd Positive Thoughts: Fears are often caused by bizarre and terrifying fantasies. You must turn off these automatic thoughts by replacing them with optimism. Thoughts like "I can not manage it" should convert to "I am able to manage the situation". In real stressful situations you should take advantage of your positive thoughts: For some time try to catapult yourself into your own personal land of dreams.
4th Sports and Exercise: Many people shy away for fear of physical activity. This is a big mistake, because through sports you can abreact accumulated stress easily. Through regular exercise you will also increase confidence in your physical abilities and thus your overall confidence.
5th Mental Training: Just as the body you can also train your mind and thus make it more powerful. Look for specific and demanding tasks where you already possess some competence. In time try to take over more responsibility in fulfilling these tasks.
6th Breathing, Posture and Massage: These three elements are extremely important for physical and mental well-being. Perform regular relaxation and breathing exercises. Meditation, Tai Chi, or Yoga are excellent additions to provide proper breathing and will relieve your muscles of tension. The correct position is as follows: The chest is stretched and the back straight, the lungs and internal organs are relaxed.
7th Keep Patience: Remember that you are in the middle of a training program and the success can be achieved only with setbacks. You have to accept these setbacks and if possible keep a journal in which your successes are recorded.
8th Distraction: If a sudden panic attack overwhelms you, try to bring about a quick change in the situation. Seek for a seemingly illogical action to defeat your fears: clean your face with cold water, take a shower, go jogging, listen to loud music, sing, count as fast as possible from 100 to 0, run computational tasks in thought, try to formulate simple phrases in a foreign language, etc. Be creative.
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